What is a Reinvention Coach? 

A Reinvention Coach can have have many meanings, but to me it’s all about the change we wish to create within our lives.  This could include being a business start up for the very first time and having no idea where to start.  (I’ve been there twice now).  Changing your career and not knowing where to start (have been there six times).  It could be as you’ve matured, your personal goals and dreams have shifted and you want to create some that resonate with you now.  It could include a complete life overhaul (been there too) and need the guidance and support to make this happen.

Let me support you in a safe space to find your courage, your gratitude, your strength and your authenticity, which I’ve unpacked below.

Let me hold space for you to help make your current life goals a reality.  


This word brings about enormous personal meaning for me.  Courage has lacked in me at different times in my life, but in saying that, it has also shown me how much courage I have had over my life so far.  As we know, the definition of courage includes bravery and an ability to face an ordeal or problem and grow.  To me, courage is having the bravery to make change.  The courage to stand up for what you believe in, and creating goals that make you shine.  Are you ready to find your courage?


I have really struggled with gratitude over many years.  I thought, how can I be grateful that I ended an unhappy marriage? Why is my children’s growth different to where mine was at their age?  The questions kept popping up.  Over many years I have managed to understand the different side of gratitude.  Being grateful that I have a roof over my head, food on the table, two children who have a dream for their future, supportive family and friends.  What do you want your gratitude to look like?


The quality or state of being strong physically.  This is the dictionarys definition. But as we know, strength comes in many different forms and ideas.  For me it has been about making changes that were uncomfortable, learning new things, stepping out of my comfort zone, making mistakes along the way, but most of all; having a go! What does your strength look like today? Would you like to look very different in the future? I would love to help you find your strength.  What will yours be?


This word is one that rings true in everything I do.  Learning to show up as our true authentic selves is something we should aspire to.  Whether it be living each day in our natural state.  Such as without makeup, not feeling pressured to be dressed up to impress others around us, this includes our tone and language we when we speak every single day, including swearing.  I’ll admit my favourite word is shit.  Go on shout it out loud I dare you.  Ready to unlock your true authentic self?

April 28, 2024

Standing strong and brave!

Fear is a very real emotion that can be triggered by a possible threat.  It’s a survival mechanism that tells our bodies that something isn’t […]
November 26, 2023

Sick of feeling underappreciated?

Feeling underappreciated is a common experience. We are often expected to do more than our fair share of work, both at home and in the […]